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Prayer Team

Join our volunteer, worldwide Prayer Team!

Join our team of individuals around the world who are collectively praying around-the-clock on issues brought to the attention of the group. Each team member is invited to prayerfully address the situations brought before the group in the way they are individually led. The group is activated as needed. You may remain a member of the team for as long as you are able and interested. Use the form below to sign up to be a part of this team. [For INDIVIDUAL prayerful help, please contact a Christian Science Practitioner.]

We welcome all interested persons — including students — to join in this important work.

Join the "Minute Men & Women" Worldwide Prayer Team

Please complete all questions and submit. You will be contacted with additional information and notified when the prayer team is activated to pray on an issue. [The team is activated as needed - issue by issue.]

Sign up to pray. Please add the notified issues to your prayer work. Pray on your own schedule. Thank you for your help.

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"Never was there a more solemn and imperious call than God makes to us all, right here, for fervent devotion and an absolute consecration to the greatest and holiest of all causes. The hour is come. The great battle of Armageddon is upon us. The powers of evil are leagued together in secret conspiracy against the Lord and against His Christ, as expressed and operative in Christian Science. Large numbers, in desperate malice, are engaged day and night in organizing action against us. Their feeling and purpose are deadly, and they have sworn enmity against the lives of our standard-bearers.

What will you do about it? Will you be equally in earnest for the truth? Will you doff your lavender-kid zeal, and become real and consecrated warriors? Will you give yourselves wholly and irrevocably to the great work of establishing the truth, the gospel, and the Science which are necessary to the salvation of the world from error, sin, disease, and death? Answer at once and practically, and answer aright!"

— Mary Baker Eddy
Miscellaneous Writings
p 177

Foundation for Prayerful Living
The Foundation for Prayerful Living is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and a 509(a)(2) recognized public charity. © Foundation for Prayerful Living. and are independent web sites operated on behalf of the Foundation by Prayerful Living Publishing.
We welcome your participation and support.