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Praying with the Mindset of Jesus
by James Early

This is an audio/visual talk. 2 parts, 4 hours 25 minutes total
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Description: Do you ever wish your prayers could be more effective?

Let’s face it, we’re dealing with some pretty big problems these days – globally all the way down to our individual lives.

Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus was here and you could just ask him to solve all your problems?

The good news is that Jesus has given us the tools to think and pray just like he did.

In a two-part workshop, Bible teacher James Early will dig deep into how Jesus thought and prayed, the lens through which he saw himself, mankind, and his relationship to God. It is this lens or mindset of Jesus which empowered him to heal and redeem those who were suffering and sinning. And he promised that you and I can follow his example.

But it takes a shift in thought and perspective. The class/workshop is called: Praying with the Mindset of Jesus.

In this class you will learn:

  • What it means to pray with the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16)
  • How to use the spiritual lens Jesus looked through to heal like he did
  • What the main reason is our prayers often fail to bring healing
  • How to shift from the Adam-mindset to the Jesus-mindset (and why you can’t combine the two)
  • How to regain your inspiration when you feel spiritually bankrupt and your prayers seem like empty words
  • How to pray with the spiritual authority and expectation of Jesus

This class is full of practical ideas that will make a world of difference in your prayers for yourself, your prayers for others, and your prayers for the world. Click on the DONATE button to the left to enroll.

James Early has conducted Christian Science Bible workshops at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, CT since October 2008. His focus is on sharing Christian Science in the language of the Bible. He gives talks and conducts workshops on the Bible covering a wide range of topics to churches and groups as well as at the prison. Heis in the part-time practice of Christian Science, has served as First and Second Reader in his branch church, First Church in Ridgefield, CT. He is the webmaster for and produces a podcast, The Bible Speaks to You. He lives in Bethel, CT with his wife, Polly Castor.

James Early

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